Cellular Therapy to Treat Shoulder Pain-A look at Rotator Cuff Injury:
The shoulder is one of our most powerfully complex joints and is important in almost all areas of life. Without the proper mobility and strength of the shoulder we would not be able to do things such as brushing our teeth, doing our hair, driving, eating, showering, playing sports, and working out. When the shoulder is out of commission, everything is affected. Every year many people who suffer from shoulder injury resolve themselves to living in pain because they think that invasive surgical procedures are their only option for treatment.
Cellular therapy can help with discomfort and improve mobility from injuries such as rotator cuff tear and resulting nerve damage by healing the damaged tissues thus reducing and removing pain and restoring function. In this post we’ll discuss your options when it comes to treating your shoulder pain and look at one of the most common injuries to the shoulder we treat: a rotator cuff tear.
We’ll also explain how Cellular therapy for shoulder pain and injury works and why you should consider it as an amazing option to keep you away from complicated surgeries that often don’t work.
How Does Your Shoulder Work, and Why Is It So Complex?
Shoulder injuries are some of the most common sports and activities related injuries we see. While most people think of the shoulder as one lone joint, it is a combination of four. These are the glenohumeral joint, which is the main ball and socket component, the scapulothoracic joint space, and finally the subacromial joint space. Injury can happen in any one of these spaces leaving you in pain.
The shoulder is what we refer to as a “ball and socket joint”. Much like the hip, it has such a complex range of motion due to a shallow socket, or what’s known as the glenoid, and a larger ball component that is four times bigger than the socket. This socket is deepened by a thickened fibrous cartilage, called the ‘Labrum’, which provides increased stability. The bones of the shoulder joint are also surrounded by other structures such as ligaments, blood vessels, muscles, and nerves.
What Is the Rotator Cuff?
The rotator cuff is made up of four large muscles and their corresponding tendons, ligaments, and nerves. The muscles that make up the rotator cuff form a covering around the top of the Humerus (arm bone) and help to lift and to rotate the arm. They also help to stabilize the ball of the shoulder joint we spoke about earlier.
We know the muscles of the rotator cuff by the abbreviation “SITS”. This stands for the supraspinatus muscle, the infraspinus muscle, the subscapularis muscle, and the teres minor muscles. Each one of these muscles attach to the familiar shoulder blade through one single thick tendon.
What Happens When the Rotator Cuff Is Injured?
A tear in the rotator cuff is one of the most common sports injuries out there, and often happens with repeated shoulder movements. The rotator cuff keeps your entire arm stable and is responsible for the generation of power that comes with movements such as pitching a baseball. Additionally, the rotator cuff can become torn during sudden movement during an accident. A rotator cuff tear involves an injury to one of the cuff tendons and can either be partial or full thickness (meaning the tear goes all the way through and separates from the bone).
Slow degradation over time is also a large cause of rotator cuff injury. This can happen as a result of bone spurs, repeated motion of the shoulder, or the loss of adequate blood supply. A rotator cuff tear (either partial or complete) is diagnosed by x-ray, MRI, or ultrasound.
You May Have A Torn Rotator Cuff If You Feel Any Of The Following Symptoms:
- Pain with movement
- Inability to raise your arm and hand over your head
- Weakness in the shoulder
- Pain that is either sharp or dull and persistent
- A cracking or popping sensation deep in the shoulder with movement
- A hard time with falling and staying asleep
- Swelling in the shoulder
- Feeling as if your arm just goes limp (especially if there is corresponding nerve damage)
You May Have a Rotator Cuff Tear – What Can You Do About It?
Simply put, a rotator cuff tears and gets worse without treatment. Without seeking help, you may eventually lose functioning of your arm. Nobody likes to live in pain either.
Typical treatment for rotator cuff repair includes:
- The use of a supportive sling
- Rest
- Physical Therapy
- Anti-inflammatory drugs to ease pan and reduce swelling
- Arthroscopic surgery
- Open shoulder surgery
- Reverse shoulder replacement
- Total shoulder replacement
The sad fact is that conventional treatment of rotator cuff injury has a very small success rate. Invasive surgeries can leave you with greater pain and lessened mobility than when you were injured. Each of these procedures has real and significant side effects.
It is calculated that roughly 75% of patients who undergo some type of shoulder surgery to fix a torn rotator cuff experience results that are comparable to not having surgery at all. This means that the surgeries do not result in less pain overall. In short, the surgeries simply did not work- even though they cost thousands of dollars, and many months if not years of recovery and therapy time. This lack of effective outcomes is concerning.
Patients who are told that they need surgery can avoid these procedures through ultrasound guided injections of their own donated platelets and stem cells that reduce pain and increase mobility and function.
Cellular Therapy Provides Direct Healing Without Surgery
Cellular therapy for an injured rotator cuff allows for a completely natural solution that works with the body AND gets results. This is because of the healing, regenerative and anti-inflammatory properties that allow for real healing of the body to begin. Of all the cell types- your body’s own stem cells can specialize and become any type of cell that they need to allow for holistic regeneration of damaged tissues that works directly with your body’s own wise healing processes.
Cellular therapy is an amazing healing option because it can be done without surgery and all the complications that come with it. Injections are done with the cells from your own donated bone marrow and happen right here in our office. Cellular therapy is a minimally invasive treatment option that allows our shoulder patients to recover quickly and without all the damage that comes from surgery in and of itself and is done over the course
If you are currently experiencing pain from a shoulder injury such as a rotator cuff tear can help! There is no reason for you to live in pain or to spend thousands of dollars and hours of your life trying to heal. We know you live an active life that you want to get back to.
Give us a call today 877-381-4200 to learn more and get scheduled for your appointment!
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