Chances are you’ve had to deal with a headache at some point or another- probably many times in fact! This is because headaches are a very common symptom that can arise due to many different issues such as fever, illness, allergic reactions, swelling and injury. Headaches can have many different causes, but what most people don’t realize is that headaches-especially migraines-are often the result of an injury to the head, neck, and spine.

Cellular therapy is an important holistic intervention that can provide relief from many conditions including chronic migraines and headaches that do not respond well to typical treatments. Before we look at how cellular therapy works to treat even the most stubborn of recurring migraine headaches let’s look at the difference between different types of headaches and where they originate from.

Not All Headaches Are Treated Equally.

There are several varying types of headaches that a person can experience, but they can generally be broken down into two types. These are symptom-based headaches, also known as primary headaches and secondary headaches which are a result of an outside cause which may include things such as illness and injury.

A Primary headache is when the headache itself is the main problem-not a symptom of an underlying condition or disease. While the pain from a primary headache can knock you off your feet, these types of headaches are not life threatening in any way. Since the brain itself does not feel pain, the pain from a primary headache originates from the inflammation of pain-sensitive parts of the body in and around the head and neck such as the muscles, nerves, blood vessels, and ligaments. This inflammation if left untreated can lead from the average everyday headache that goes away easily to chronic recurring migraines that do not respond well to typically offered treatments.

We categorize primary headaches into four categories which are:

  • Cluster headaches
  • Tension headaches
  • Hypnic headaches
  • Migraine headaches

Secondary headaches are much more rare than primary headaches. They are caused by a pathological condition that is not normally found in the body. These types of headaches are caused by conditions that trigger a large pain response, also in pain sensitive areas such as the head and neck. A secondary headache, while rare, is a warning sign of a much larger underlying issue. A secondary headache often comes on suddenly out of nowhere and can be a result of conditions such as:

  • Aneurysm
  • Brain tumors
  • Neck and spine injury
  • Bacterial or viral meningitis which comes from a bacterial or viral infection of the brain and spine.

Let’s Take a Closer Look at Migraine Headaches

Migraine headaches are a common, debilitating type of headache that are characterized by an intense throbbing pain that makes it hard to carry out daily tasks and functions. To be considered “chronic” a person must have migraine symptoms for at least 15 days out of a single month. Symptoms of a migraine typically progress through four stages which are:

The prodrome stage- this stage starts a few hours before the migraine sets in and comes with warning signs such as neck pain and stiffness. People often feel mood changes, hunger thirst, or fatigue

The aura stage- here people tend to see flashes of light, bright spots, bright shapes, and have vision loss and difficulty speaking. It can be anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours after the onset of the aura stage that the migraine truly sets in

The migraine stage- here is when harsh, throbbing, stabbing like pain starts on one or both sides of the head. This is the most intense stage where vomiting, dizziness, and neck pain also occur.

The postdrome stage- This stage brings on a feeling of weakness, tiredness, and confusion can last after the pain of the migraine stage has subsided. This can last for several hours to a few days.

This cascade can last anywhere from a few hours to a few days.

Traditional treatment of migraine headaches includes pain medications such as NSAIDS, narcotic drugs, drugs containing caffeine, and medication to treat nausea. Oftentimes patients will be prescribed medications such as beta-blockers and antidepressants to attempt to keep migraines at bay. The problem with this approach to treatment is that these all have negative consequences on other areas of the body, and oftentimes do not work effectively to manage pain.

Pain from neck injury can be a precipitating factor in the onset of a migraine due to chronic inflammation

For those who have tried every traditional option for relief and are still experiencing migraine headaches, cellular therapy is an amazing option. Cellular therapy is a natural method of regenerative medicine which works with the power of your body’s own cells to promote healing. Using cells from a person’s own donated bone marrow allows for a treatment which helps to reduce pain at the source by reducing inflammation and helping to rebuild any damaged tissues because of injury.

Cellular therapy works to treat this underlying inflammation which so often is one of the root triggers of migraine headaches. We see this inflammatory response most often because of the body’s attempt to protect itself after an injury has been sustained. Cellular therapy provides the body with what it needs to heal itself.

Our treatment process begins with an initial consultation to assess the source of your migraine headaches and includes a tailored number of treatments through a series of injections. This allows for a high concentration of cells to experience healing at a much higher rate. We help many people recover from the debilitating pain of migraine headaches.

Call us at 877-381-4200 to schedule an appointment. We look forward to seeing you and helping you find relief.